Stripsody è una composizione vocale di Cathy Berberian, la cui notazione è stata disegnata da Roberto Zamarin.

Esiste una versione della notazione che risale allo stesso anno realizzata da Eugenio Carmi.
“Berberian was looking for a text for one of her musical performances, and thought of developing a kind of sound world using only the onomatopoeic inventions of the comic strips. Gradually the idea grew that this musical action had no need of music; thus, while Cathy began to sing these sounds, Carmi went on to write the score. The two aspects of the work were born together, and Cathy’s voice contributed more than one graphic suggestion while Carmi’s imagination produced more than one vocal solution.”
E. Carmi, Stripsody – Interpretazione vocale di Cathy Berberian. Testo introduttivo di Umberto Eco, Arco d’Alibert – Kiko Galleries, Roma – Houston (Texas) 1966.

Fonti: Andrea Gabruglia, La vocazione musicale delle striscie a fumetti
Janet K. Halfyard, Text and authority: issues of gender and ownership in the work of Cathy Berberian
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